What is the Importance of Cardboard Boxes in Business? 

Businesses and corporations are now interested in a neater, tasteful, colorful design, eye-catching, pleasing presentation.  Both platforms mainly focus on the points  that emphasize the uniqueness of the presented product. This nuance  has a serious impact on sales in business, and distinguishes it from others.  After some time, these and similar points created  a serious demand for cardboard and paper packaging in Azerbaijan. 

What are the types of cardboard boxes?

Cardboard boxes are boxes manufactured in different types and shapes and used  for a variety of purposes. Each type of  cardboard box can have its own characteristics and areas of application.  Below are some examples of cardboard box types:

Standard Cardboard Boxes: The most commonly used and general purpose simple cardboard boxes.  They are used to store and transport  all kinds of products.

Gift Boxes: Cardboard boxes used to present special greetings and gifts.  These boxes are made with special designs and  colors to make the gifts more beautiful and to express gratitude.

Greeting Boxes: Personalized boxes used to  express congratulations, thanks and attention.

Bags and packages: Cardboard boxes such as packages and bags in different shapes depending on  the application area.

Corporate Cardboard Boxes: Cardboard boxes designed to store and  present companies' corporate products,  gifts and promotional materials.

Special types and sizes of cardboard boxes: Cardboard boxes manufactured in special sizes and  shapes according to different products and requirements.

This is just an example of a few types of cardboard boxes.  In fact, the types and shapes of cardboard boxes can be in a very wide range according to customer requirements  and the requirements of organizations.  Each type of box is designed for specific purposes and  helps make product analysis and shipping more cost-effective and unanalyzable.

Cardboard and paper packaging

Cardboard and paper packaging are some of the most practiced materials used to protect and analyze products.  This process is an important step to prevent damage to products during shipping  and storage.  Depending on the type of work and requirements, cardboard and paper packaging can take different forms:

Cardboard packaging: Cardboard packaging is made of stiffened paper and is used to compress and analyze products.Cardboard packaging can be made in different sizes and shapes according to the  characteristics and type of the product.

Cardboard boxes: Cardboard boxes are used for corporate product presentation within products. For example, custom corporate cardboard boxes designed for presentation of gifts and publishing materials are made.

Paper packaging: Paper packaging material is placed on or inside any product. Packaging comes in various forms such as boxes or packets.

Cardboard coating: Cardboard material is used to cover products.  For example, products with high density and weight are protected by cardboard covers or a top cover.

These processes are used in manufacturing, transportation and logistics, trade and shopping, and other areas. Correct and appropriate preparation of cardboard and paper packaging is important o protect, analyze and secure products.

Which cardboard and paper packaging factories in Azerbaijan are engaged in the production of cardboard boxes? 

However, there are several companies and factories operating in the field of cardboard and paper packaging in Azerbaijan. hese factories specialize in the production of cardboard and paper packaging products of various types and sizes.

Cardboard and paper packaging plants generally manufacture  packaging materials used for wrapping,  packaging, storage, and shipping purposes.

Azerbaijan Cardboard Box and Packaging Factory (AKQQF), Kartpak Packaging

Factory, Azerbaijan Paper and Carton Production Combine, BakuPack  Factory, Agro Invest Carton Factory, Khirdalan Carton Factory, China Carton Box Factory and manufacturers, as well as other factories are involved in the production of cardboard boxes  and other packaging boxes, which are part of Azersun. 

BakuPack Factory offers different cardboard packaging for food, household, food, cosmetics, spices, sweets, flowers and more. 

Moreover, since there is a lot of variety here, the choice is also wide.  Cardboard and paper packaging activities of China Cardboard Box Factory and  manufacturers are extensive in Azerbaijan.  The factory mainly produces macaroni and cheese packaging, candy  and chocolate packaging bag, wood packaging, food packaging bags,  frozen food packaging, as well as various plastic packaging. 

Khirdalan Cardboard Factory

Khirdalan Cardboard Factory has been operating since 1996.  he factory produces 32,000 tons of cardboard   and box products annually. The factory produces various types of products - 3- and 5-layer cardboard, cardboard boxes, various intermediate cuts for colored  and colorless panlaut, egg carton packaging products, etc.   In addition, corrugated cardboard, flexo and offset, printed box, pan, separator, egg cassette and cardboard sheet, various types of corners,  various types of labels are adapted to world standards.  hirdalan Cardboard Factory supplies food and  non-food products produced by Azersun Holding with paper and cardboard packaging.

 The factory buys cardboard and paper products, which are the main raw materials,  from Russia and Turkey. 

Agro Invest Carton Factory offers food and non-food packaging made of  3 and 5 layers of paper.

The price of cardboard and paper packaging is different.  While a simple cardboard box called "karobka" is priced at 1-azn in the market, the price of special packaging and boxes made to factories is variable.  The thickness of the paper, the volume of the order, the simplicity and  complexity of the design also play a role here.

So what is Kartpak Packaging Factory? Why choose Kartpak? 

The Kartpak brand is one of the factories offering the widest variety of cardboard and paper packaging in Azerbaijan.  Kartpak designers listen to your wishes and design box designs according to them.  Kartpak is mainly engaged in cardboard box production, paper packaging, rigid box production.  The logo of the company or brand, as well as other inscriptions, are tastefully processed on the boxes.   More than 7,000 different packaging products and  cardboard boxes are produced at the factory.

Cardboard and paper packaging prices Cardboard and paper packaging prices can vary depending on many factors different manufacturers.  The main factors that determine these prices are:

Material type: The type and quality of material used in cardboard and paper packaging determines the prices.  Material with higher quality and  special functions is more expensive.

Sizes and quantity: Determines the required size and quantity prices for cardboard and paper packaging.  Buying larger sizes and bulk packaging  materials can increase prices.

Design and extras: Adding custom designs and extras (eg logos, QR codes, greetings, etc.)  can increase the price.

Approval and delivery time: Approval and delivery time are also factors that determine prices.  Urgent requests or quick delivery requests may  increase the total price.

Order quantity: Product order quantity is another important factor that determines the price.  Prices are usually higher when ordering in small quantities.

Company suggestions: Different companies may use different valuation methods. 

Prices may vary depending on the offers and payment terms provided to customers.  Prices generally vary depending on the type, size and quantity of cardboard and paper packaging material, design and  design and additional elements, delivery conditions and company offers. To determine the prices, it is recommended to get quotes from different  companies and compare their prices.  This will help ensure suitable and affordable cardboard and cardboard boxes paper packaging products.

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